ja morant Leaked video

 The image that was leaked shows Ja Morant getting his lap dance in a room where every single inch of floor is covered in money. According to the workers who spoke to the folks at the New York Post, Morant spent $50,000 between both nights. According to one of the girls who works there, some of his co-workers who were in the room with the Grizzlies star complained about the gun. Authorities completed their investigation on the case and decided to not press charges against Morant due to the lack of substantial evidence. Currently, Ja Morant is taking a break from social media and the world as he works on himself in order to return to societyColorado joint Shotgun Willies is a Glendale, Colorado strip club where Ja Morant filmed that infamous live-stream where he flashed a gun. This got him into deep trouble with the NBA and the Memphis Grizzlies, who suspended him for at least 4 games until they finished their internal investigation. That incident took place at a strip club calle Shotgun Willie, which is located in Glendale, CO. The folks at the New York Post got the scoop of what happened there on the night Ja Morant decided to live-stream his time there for a brief moment and flash that gun. Strippers who worked there got really scared when they found out Morant probably had a gun on him.Ja Morant became the center of attention over the last few weeks for a string of controversial incidents. The Memphis Grizzlies star was already catching heat from a recent lawsuit alleging that he threatened a minor. Then, Morant flashed a gun during a livestream on Instagram, while clearly being in a nightclub. Since then, Morant has been suspended by the team, and was investigated for his actionsMorant’s nightlife habits is not the problem here, to be clear. Plenty of NBA stars (and other sports stars) frequent places like this, after all. What’s more concerning is the Grizzlies star’s haphazard brandishing of a gun inside the nightclub. The New York Post report said that the women at the nightclub were “terrified” that Morant brought a gun, with one woman saying thatMemphis Grizzlies All-Star point guard Ja Morant dribbled and drooled over a stripper at the same Denver-area jiggle joint where he blew $50,000 in tips — and flashed a gun 48 hours later — shocking photos obtained by The Post and insiders reveal.The new March 2 snaps show the bad-boy baller at raunchy Shotgun Willie’s in Glendale, CO, transfixed by the backboard of a G-string-clad brunette straddling his lap inside in the VIP room — and almost every inch of surface covered in cash.

“The whole room is full of money — it’s literally a pile. You’d need a rake,” according to one club insider who witnessed the eye-popping hardwood scene.

The vaunted 23-year-old point guard, who re-signed with the Grizzlies last year in a 5-year extension deal that could be worth up to $231 million, shelled out at least $50,000 in cash tips in the two-night booty bender, two employees told The Post.Morant’s video surfaced early Saturday morning, after the Grizzlies suffered a 113-97 defeat against the Denver Nuggets. The video has gained huge traction over the past week, with Morant getting criticized brutally by fans and analysts alike for his irresponsible behavior.

While the general narrative hasn’t been good for Ja Morant, he has earned support from the sports community in a recent development. Miami Dolphins wide receiver, Tyreek Hill who is no stranger to controversy himself came out and supported Morant amidst his recent struggles.

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