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 NFL Draft and the experience of former Kentucky quarterback Will Levis and his girlfriend, Duddy.

The article starts by stating that four players - quarterback Will Levis, defensive end Keion White, cornerback Joey Porter Jr., and defensive back Brian Branch - had come to Kansas City with dreams of being called out in the first round of the 2023 NFL Draft. However, all four of them were not selected in the first round, and the article focuses on Will Levis and his girlfriend, Duddy.

Will Levis was expected to be a top pick in the draft after his impressive performance in the Combine, but he slipped down the rankings and was not selected on the first day of the draft. Throughout the first round, he was shown on TV 37 times, which was 29 times more than anyone else. Duddy was present at the draft to support him, and the article mentions that despite their long-distance relationship, she frequently attends his games at Kentucky.

The article also talks about Duddy's social media presence, with over 375,000 followers on Instagram and TikTok. She regularly posts ads and brand partnerships with various companies. Duddy is set to graduate in May 2023 from Penn State, where she is also a relations chair for THON, a student-run philanthropy committed to enhancing the lives of children and families impacted by childhood cancer. She has also stated in a TikTok video that she is waiting to see where Levis gets drafted to determine which city she will move to after school.

The article mentions that the couple reportedly met at Penn State before Levis transferred to Kentucky, and they celebrated their two-year anniversary in January 2023. It concludes by noting that Levis' slide in the draft prompted a flurry of memes and tweets from couch GMs, but the couple remains positive and hopeful for what the future holds

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