denise frazier dog video

 Denise Frazier, a 19-year-old woman from Norton Road in Myrick, Mississippi, has been arrested for allegedly having sexual intercourse with a male dog and posting "extremely graphic" videos of the act on her social media accounts. The Jones County Sheriff's Department (JCSD) announced Frazier's arrest on Wednesday, April 5th, and charged her with "unnatural intercourse" with the animal, as well as aggravated animal cruelty. The arrest warrant was issued after the police conducted a search of Frazier's residence.

Sergeant J.D Carter of the JCSD, who led the investigation, described this as "one of the most disturbing cases" he had ever investigated in his 17 years of law enforcement. According to the sheriff's department, a concerned resident had reported a graphic video posted on social media that appeared to depict a sexual act between a woman and a male dog.

During the arrest, Frazier reportedly claimed that she was threatened to make the videos and that people paid her to do so. She was accompanied by two men at her residence when the police arrived. The department also reported that two dogs were seized from her property, one of which she referred to as a "service dog," and were taken to the Sawmill Animal Hospital in Laurel. Frazier's initial appearance in Jones County Justice Court was scheduled for the following day, Thursday, April 6th.

The videos that were in the possession of the JCSD were considered too graphic to be released or discussed publicly, as reported by WDAM news outlet.

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