tucker carlson video

 The news story reports on leaked footage of Tucker Carlson, a prominent Fox News personality, expressing frustration with Fox Nation, a streaming service for which he produces content. Carlson called the website unwatchable and stated that nobody watches it. He also criticized the site's infrastructure, which he says is driving him insane. Carlson's comments were recorded in August 2022 before his interview with Andrew Tate, a controversial right-wing social media personality who was arrested on allegations of rape, people trafficking, and organized crime in December 2022. Carlson's comments were leaked to Media Matters for America, a progressive watchdog, which published the footage.

The article also mentions that The New York Times obtained additional video footage of Carlson speaking off-air. The footage reportedly shows Carlson discussing "postmenopausal fans" and whether they would approve of how he looks on air, as well as describing a woman he finds "yummy."

Fox News declined to comment on the leaked footage, and the article notes that the network has been bullish about its streaming service. Lachlan Murdoch, the CEO of Fox Corporation, had previously stated that Carlson had helped increase Fox Nation subscriptions by 40 percent in 2021.

The article concludes with a message from The Guardian, a reader-funded news outlet that relies on the ongoing generosity of its readers to provide reliable reporting.

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