Andy cohen nipple play video

 Andy cohen video twitter Andy cohen nipple play video Andy Cohen is shocked Andy Cohen after nipple play video at NYC Pride andy cohen viral video Andy Cohen is shocked Andy Cohen nipple play.Andy Cohen playing with a man's nipple during an NYC Pride event, there has been a range of reactions from fans. Many fans came to Cohen's defense, expressing their support and criticizing those who secretly recorded the incident.

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One fan took to Twitter and questioned the shaming of Andy Cohen, asking why it was newsworthy and suggesting that people should focus on their own lives instead of criticizing him. They added a humorous remark, urging others to "get laid" and take a break from online forums like Reddit.

Another fan, while jokingly expressing reluctance to defend Cohen, emphasized the invasion of privacy involved in secretly recording someone. They stated that the act of recording without consent was "corny as f--k" and defended Cohen's right to engage in gay behavior at a Pride event, which they considered a safe space for everyone.

A third fan directly called out the person who recorded the video, referring to them as "absolute trash." They demanded justice for Andy Cohen, highlighting that Pride should be a safe space for everyone and expressing their disapproval of the video being shared online.

Another supporter echoed the sentiment that Andy Cohen, as a grown gay man, should be free to do as he pleases. They dismissed the criticism, stating that people should not act surprised as Cohen has his own life.

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