killer whales sinking boats leaked

The incident described in your message is indeed a real event that occurred off the coast of Portugal. A French boat, approximately 12 meters long, was attacked by a pod of killer whales, also known as orcas. The attack took place last week, and the crew members aboard the yacht experienced a terrifying ordeal as the orcas circled the vessel, ramming into it and causing significant damage, including ripping apart the rudder.

The attack took place last week, and the crew members aboard the yacht experienced a terrifying ordeal as the orcas circled the vessel, ramming into it and causing significant damage, including ripping apart the rudder.

The crew managed to capture footage of the attack, which showed the boat rapidly filling up with water due to the damage inflicted by the orcas. Water levels rose to the waist of the sailors, and one crew member can be seen frantically calling for help from the coastguard.

Fortunately, all four crew members were able to escape the sinking boat and reach dry land safely. By the time they left the boat in a life raft, the orcas were no longer present.

This incident is part of a recent increase in orca incidents along the Atlantic coasts of Spain and Portugal. There have been previous warnings to sailors in the area to remain in port at night due to similar encounters. According to reports, there have been around 20 incidents in the Strait of Gibraltar alone in the past month.The sailor who captured the attack on video, April Boyes, stated that although the encounter was terrifying, she does not believe in demonizing orcas. She suggested that more research could be conducted to understand these encounters better and to develop non-harmful deterrents.
 It is worth noting that orcas are highly intelligent and social creatures. While they are not typically known for attacking boats or humans, interactions with marine vessels can sometimes occur. The reasons behind these incidents are not entirely clear, and further study and understanding of orca behavior are necessary to mitigate such encounters in the future.

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