Antonio brown pool Leaked video

Brown posted a picture of a woman engaging in a somewhat sexual act on Antonio Brown, with the term “Gibsonia” (a Pittsburgh suburb) scrawled over the picture.Antonio Brown has been VERY busy over the past 24 hours on Snapchat. I lost count after the first three or four dozen things on his Snapchat story how many times he has posted.Embattled All-Pro receiver Antonio Brown was caught on video shoving his bare buttocks into the face of a stunned woman in an outdoor swimming pool at a swanky Dubai hotel — and then lifting his manhood out of the water and whipping it in her direction, as wide-eyed vacationers watched in shock.Video footage obtained by The Post of the May 14 incident at the Armani Hotel Dubai shows Brown, 34, way too close for comfort to the woman, who initially laughed off the attention but quickly swam away to escape the controversial gridiron great.

In one video, Brown — who is apparently nude aside from gold chains around his neck — is huddled at the edge of the pool with the woman.He then plants both hands on the pool’s deck to lift himself out of the water twice — sticking his butt in the woman’s face both times.

Brown then lifts the woman up and tosses her head-first into the water like he was spiking a football, the shocking video show

The woman rises out the water, wipes her eyes, and swims to the other side of the pool — away from Brown.

A rep for the hotel declined comment and refused to reveal the woman’s identity.

Brown was asked to leave the hotel shortly after the incident, according to a hotel staffer who requested anonymity. The hotel had also received earlier complaints from other guests about Brown’s antics, the source said.

The complaints included Brown allegedly snubbing United Arab Emirates dress-code customs by flaunting his bare chest to guests inside the hotel, and smoking what they believe smelled like marijuana in his room, which would violate the country’s law.

Brown, now an aspiring rap artist, was in the United Arab Emirates to see his buddy, former boxing champ Floyd Mayweather Jr., fight an exhibition in Abu Dhabi and perform as the boxer walked into the ring.

In leaked videos obtained by Rich Calder of the New York Post (warning: linked article contains nudity), Brown exposed himself to guests at the Armani Hotel Dubai earlier this year.

The footage shows Brown "shoving his bare buttocks into the face of a stunned woman" who was huddled near him at the edge of an outdoor swimming pool at the hotel.

In a separate video, Brown was leaning on the edge of the pool's interior when he "grabs his penis, and briefly yanks it out of the water in the direction" of the same woman according to Calder, the woman "appeared visibly upset" by the situation and at one point was seen "inside the hotel yelling and complaining to others" about what happened.

A hotel staffer told Calder there had been complaints made against Brown prior to this situation and he was asked to leave the hotel after the pool incident.The footage was recorded on May 14. Brown was in Abu Dhabi as part of Floyd Mayweather Jr.'s entourage for his exhibition boxing match against Don Moore that was held at Etihad Arena on May 21.It’s crazy to me that even after I retire there is disinformation coming out about me,” Brown tweeted.

“Ironically, during a time when the NFL is getting heat for allowing players to play when they’re clearly concussed. They’
ve been using black men as guinea pigs,” he said. 

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