Mandy Rose, Leaked video

 Mandy Rose, who had a 413-day reign as NXT Women's Champion, lost her title to Roxanne Perez on December 14th, 2022. The defeat turned out to be more than just the end of her title reign, as it was also the end of her tenure in WWE. Ross Sapp of Fightful reported that Rose had been released from her contract with WWE on the same day. The decision to release her was made by WWE officials who believed they were in a difficult position due to the suggestive content Rose had been releasing on her FanTime page. The content was found to be outside the parameters of Rose's contract with WWE, leading to her release.

Rose had joined WWE in 2015 during the sixth season of Tough Enough and signed a five-year deal with the company. She worked in NXT for several years before being called up to "Monday Night Raw" in 2017. During her main roster run, she had a tag team and a later rivalry with her real-life friend Sonya Deville. She also had a romance with Otis from late 2019 into 2020.

Rose's reign as NXT Women's Champion was marked by her elevation of the NXT women's division with her faction, Toxic Attraction. Her loss to Perez was surprising, as her reign seemed unstoppable. However, rumors had been circulating that Rose's FanTime page, similar to OnlyFans, was the reason for the change in the championship. It was later reported by Fightful Select that WWE officials were uncomfortable with the explicit content Rose was posting on her page, which was deemed to be outside the parameters of her WWE contract.

Rose's release from WWE came just days after racy photos of her had been leaked online. She had won the NXT Women's Championship back in October 2021 by defeating Raquel Rodriguez at Halloween Havoc. She had only returned to the brand three months earlier after an unsuccessful stint on the main roster.

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